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High Quality Chengreshi Thangka

Product code: thangka-p398
Price: $2045

Of all the deities in Mahayana Buddhism, the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, Chenrezig, is one of the most celebrated. He is the lord gifted with complete enlightenment, who refrains from entering the blissful state of nirvana to remain here below and save the living being of the earth. This devotion to the salvation of others emphasizes the profound compassion.

Compassion for others had always been regarded as a virtue in early Buddhism, but it had a somewhat subordinate place to wisdom. In Mahayana Buddhism, compassion received an equal emphasis with wisdom, perhaps because the Mahayana was more consciously universal and covered a wider sector of society. In this view of the world, all men and women, not just those leading a monastic life, could achieve nirvana.

Size: 100 x 150cm
Finish: With Brocade, Without Brocade
Materials: Canvas Cotton, Gold, Paint

Note: The actual colors of the thangka displayed may vary due to differences in monitor color depth and make. The color in the display is as close as to the actual colors of the Thangka Painting. Dimension measured are excluding the borders.

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